
My interest in ceramics started in earnest when I studied archaeology during my undergraduate degree. I was captivated by the way clay captures the maker’s touch, its flexibility as a material, and the role ceramics play in everyday life, from mundane meals to marking important events. In 2015, I began making ceramics myself with the help of instructors and mentors in Ottawa.

I am interested in making functional objects that reflect or resonate with the natural world.  I am particularly intrigued by harsh or apparently unwelcoming landscapes – swamps, moors, and cliffsides along the ocean – and the many plants and animals that thrive in these spaces. Using a mixture of throwing, altering, and handbuilding, I aim to create organic, vivacious forms that (hopefully) feel good to hold and use.


Email: jeanketterlingceramics [at] gmail.com

Instagram: @jkettceramics